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The Chip Board Archive 11

1st tourney point standings

The 1st tourney of our 10 week tourney I think was a big success. We had 25 entries and everyone had a great time. I'll be setting up tourney #2 later tonight so everyone on the list should get an e-mail from me with the password. If you dont.. shoot me an e-mail and I'll get you on the list. Thanks for another good night.

Nickname Player Tourn 1 Total Points Tourn 1
TheFarSide Andy Hughes 506.81 506.81 $125.00
Tommy-Dice Tom Leggio 253.40 253.40 $75.00
Gaming Ore Jim Follis 168.94 168.94 $50.00
kc_chipper Wilson Gee 126.70 126.70
frankschips Frank Hocevar 101.36 101.36
chipchef Duke Eyman 84.47 84.47
Smooth7 Jay Sands 72.40 72.40
Casinoplr Chris Sevick 63.35 63.35
17chips Bruce Konick 56.31 56.31
MadDog of PA Terry Lazarus 50.68 50.68
justinf112 Justin Ferris 46.07 46.07
mr_piney Ron Lishak 42.23 42.23
49erFaithful Roy Nelson 38.99 38.99
joeprogrammer Brian Watts 36.20 36.20
Chipr777 Todd Desnoyers 33.79 33.79

toofast Bob Orme 31.68 31.68

Fred Lamb Fred Lamb 29.81 29.81

chipperpaul Paul Sax 28.16 28.16

renim Rick Miner 26.67 26.67

Scotski Scott Brodsky 25.34 25.34

nitekap Marty Kaplan 24.13 24.13

Gsusong Susong 23.04 23.04

vallidogs Gabe Vallido 22.04 22.04

GoNiners Ross 21.12 21.12

GoBears38 Jim Reilly 20.27 20.27

Cditty Chris Ditty 0.00

DitchDog Steve Bedo 0.00

Don98199 Don Logerwell 0.00

Howie16 Howard Edelman 0.00

IdahoChipper Kevin Bailey 0.00

J7BGardner Jim Gardner 0.00

Jewart James Jewart 0.00

Licavoli2 Jim Litnar 0.00

Longhorn_Dad Doug "Cigarman" Smith 0.00

omahamike Mike Christensen 0.00

pokerdwarf David Butler 0.00

Sal I Sal 0.00

vegasds Dennis Shoop 0.00

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1st tourney point standings
Thanks Todd. I may have missed a post or...
Re: Thanks Todd. I may have missed a post or...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg