>>>Is this not a form of misleading potential bidders ... yet the statement by itself is accurate?
This just boggles my mind.
If the seller said that it isn't listed on the Stu Grant website, would that be a problem? Why?
You can't generally mislead with a fact OR by your silence. The buyer is simply not free of all responsibility.
Take the auction the other day where rdrock1 bid $30 on a $3 chip (which nobody seemed to mind).
If a seller listed that same item today and pointed to that auction and said, "here is a recent selling price"... would you have a problem with that? Why?
If I use "buy it now" to acquire a chip from a member and it later sells at auction for much less, doesn't the seller owe me a refund? After all, didn't the seller take advantage of me?
C'mon people.