My book, The Official US Casino Chip Price Guide, may be 4 years old but to some its still the source they use. This book is currently available so is not outdated as you say. My prices are not as accurate as they were the day the book hit the stores for sale but still very accurate. Not all chips have changed in value. I feel although 4 years old- exactly now as was released Sept. 2000, many prices are still accurate if you go by the price I list as per condition. Many dont go by this & that might be part of what started all this. Banjo said high price of $100 on a yellow Horseshoe chip. This is true. This is my price! I would pay that gladly!!! If someone had a high grade chip in 95 to 100 points condition. IF its a used chip like most my value is $10. Mid book, average condition is $25. I feel I am still very accurate on what this chip sells for on ebay and at shows Mostly on ebay its a little lower but higher at shows so good average is $20 for an average or less chip as I feel most are.
I am sure someone could pick out examples that are no longer accurate. The value of every chip has been refigured for the 3rd edition due out next year.