Why are all you guys busting Capt Banjo's B---s
Even though I haven't bought from his auctions but a few times, I have been completely happy with my few dealings with him. I have got some real good bargains through his auctions.
I never pay any attention to a value placed by a seller on chips or anything else, so the sellers source of information doesn't matter.
Anyone would be a fool to not determine their own value on a chip before they bid. If they don't, It's their own problem.
If the Campi book is no longer of any use because the new TCR-10 is out, then it should be discarded by all and we should depend only on TCR-10 to properly [?] value our chips. Many collectors are still using TCR 8 and 9 along with the Campiglia and wells book.
Myself, before TCR-10 I was using both TCR-9 and Campiglia's book to try to come up with a realistic value. There was just to much difference between the 2 to use only one of them exclusivly. I still rely on the Campiglia book alot.
I don't really see the problem with Jim's auction discriptions.
They sure are alot better than the "Mr very rare obsolete guy" Dean that we all use to know so well along with a few others.