>>>I explained why [taht] one line you questioned was there.
No you didn't. That line is there without any qualification whatsoever.
>>>"If I sold computer services FOR A LIVING and a slabbing company wanted to engage my services, I would not decline the engagement because of a "hobby"."
>>>What exactly is this slabbing company 'slabbing'.
CHIPS! Isn't that what this entire conversation is about?
>>>What service do they want to engage you for?
COMPUTER SERVICES (or any other product or service as it really doesn't matter) and if I signed that "pledge" I could not provide those products or services because the pledge says ""I will NOT do business of any kind"".
Why is this so hard for you to follow? That last line in the pledge says that you can't do ANY business of ANY KIND with a company that slabs chips (without ever defining what a "slabber" is). Even worse, if my company (which has nothing to do with slabbing) does business with a company that is deemed to be a "slabber", the wording is such that my company could be "tainted" and considered a slabbing company.
That is an attempt (whether deliberate or inadvertent) to extend the no slab policy well beyond the hobby itself and it is not appropriate to do so.