"I am not the one in the minority (I do not even know how many of the names listed are current members with dues paid)."
I understand there are approx 2500 paid up members. I estimate that about 800 of those are truly active and aware of slabfree. Before our recent push there was no publicity for 2 years.
All the names listed are current members with dues paid. Names have been removed in the past as necessary.
Of those numbers, only some 1500 were members two years ago, with about 500 being truly 'active' now. There were 400+ names at the time. The people on the pledge list therefore constituted a large majority of those aware of slabfree.
I noted that there are about 1000 new members since slabfree last 'advertised'. Probably only 100 of those are active on this board (which is the only place the current push has been advertised). More than 50% of that 100 have signed up.
I would suggest that out of those who know about slabfree being active, you are in the minority after all.
I recently stated I saw 30 names post in the past week that had not signed up. Within 48 hours I got 11 of those names on board. I think slabfree is well supported.
You are of course entitled to your opinion