The BROWN BAGGERS will meet today to finalize the details of the upcoming swap and trade and sell session:
Saturday 4, 2004
At the Louisville, KY Executive Inn.
Located at the entrance to the KY STATE FAIRGROUNDS,
I-65 and I-264 interchanges.
The Fair Grounds is having the 1000 dealers LABOR DAY FLEA MARKET in the two wings.
The times for the Flea MARKET are:
LABOR DAY - Sept. 3-6, 2004:
Fri. Noon-7 / Sat. 10-7 / Sun. 11-5 / Mon. 10-5
Friday you can sneak in when the dealers are setting up at 9:00 AM
Room rates at Executive, INN are $59.00 a night good all weekend.
Dealers, traders, buyers, sellers will all be treated alike at the DERBY CITY CASINO COLLECTIBLE SWAP & SELL AND TRADE SHOW.
Final times will be announced by 3 PM today.
We are considering 3 PM - 6 PM. SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 4 TH.
A cash bar and small snacks will be inside the trading room.
Some of the biggest names in chip collecting are expected and have requested a table.
No charge for tables.