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The Chip Board Archive 11

I Just want to say it was great meeting

some of the people in the Chicagoland area that I trade and sell/buy from and see there post on the boards. It so nice to put a face with all the dealings you have. It was very very informal ( a bagel shop)..

Thanks Shelton and Christine Smith for putting it togther.

Riverboat Rick and he knew sportiepam.. Hummmm was it the Sammy Sosa shirt that gave that away.

Bob Stoops (I think he spells his name that way)
Paul Hege
Dave Vail

I feel bad because there was one more person there and I can not remember his name. Anyway it was very nice and we plan on doing it again in a few months. No bagels this time.

Again...Thanks Shelton and for the TCR advise as well.....

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I Just want to say it was great meeting
Re: I Just want to say it was great meeting

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