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The Chip Board Archive 11

Dave...Republican or Democrat, why would anyone
In Response To: Afraid to Go On Record? ()

base their vote on a service record from over thirty years ago. Both President Bush and Senator Kerry served our country (and both continue to do so today). To me, the important thing is to view their political stance and records and to cast your vote accordingly. And of greater importance is to determine the type of people that each will surround themselves with and each "party's" stance on those issues important to you.

I've been watching some of these early morning interview shows (Meet the Press, Tim Roussert (sp??), etc...) and one thing that I don't understand is why these "guests" on either side of the political spectrum don't answer the questions asked. The standard answer is "Yeah...well...but look at what he did here" instead of just answering the question. Sad in my opinion. But's still OUR country!! grin Steve B

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Afraid to Go On Record?
Re: Afraid to Go On Record?
Look Who Else Wants To Get Rid Of Bush
Bad Intelligence?
Re: Afraid to Go On Record?
Anonymous Posters
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Dave...Republican or Democrat, why would anyone
Re: Afraid to Go On Record?
Re: Afraid to Go On Record?
Re: Afraid to Go On Record?

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