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The Chip Board Archive 11

New Tahoe chip find? $25 Ta-Neva-Ho small key

I just acquired this $25 chip from the Ta-Neva-Ho, one I hadn't seen before. TCR lists only one $25 Ta-Neva-Ho, the fairly common large crown, and $1 and $5 small keys but no $25.

Does anyone else have this one in their collection? Or has anyone else even seen this one before?


Messages In This Thread

New Tahoe chip find? $25 Ta-Neva-Ho small key
I'll show you mine, if you
Re: I'll show you mine, if you
Same Color Chip as Steve's
Re: Same Color Chip as Steve's
Thanks, Nate, And In The Future, Damon,...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg