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The Chip Board Archive 11

Attention Computer Guys - Acrobat Help Needed

I tried to send my RICH ROULETTE REVIEW #2 to Bob Bickford, but he could not open the file. He said he has Acrobat Reader 6.0 and the pdf file I sent him was in Acrobat 5.0. What has to be done for him to be able to open the file I sent to him. Any help would be appreciated.
Till later,
"Mr. Roulette"

Messages In This Thread

Attention Computer Guys - Acrobat Help Needed
I don't think that should be a problem.
Sorry Jerry, you said Guys. rofl
Re: Sorry Jerry, you said Guys. rofl
Don't tell anyone but...
Mine opened in 6.0 straight away.
Re: Mine opened in 6.0 straight away.
Its excellent. Color printed superbly
Re: Attention Computer Guys - Acrobat Help Needed
Bob Bickford - did you get the file open???
Thanks, Jerry. It's working fine

Copyright 2022 David Spragg