and the way that one goes from "one club" to the "other" is through developing friendships. Sometimes it's easy, sometimes it's not...but the nice thing is that there is a common interest that will help pave the way. I was fortunate enough to live just a few miles from where Jim Munding's CasinoRama takes place, so I got to meet a lot of the people that post on this Board. And over the last three years, I have developed some nice friendships. A guy like Gene Trimble would be one of those that I consider one of those in the "upper eschelon" of this club, yet if you are ever in Las Vegas, stop by the Palms and drop in on him...he is an EXTREMELY busy man but will take time to talk to you (if he can). I know this because I've done it...twice.
If you can ever get to the annual convention, you will find that most everyone that you introduce yourself to will great you warmly...from Archie Black to Greg Susong to Mike Skelton to Will Knight & Debby Meister (both relative "newbies" and look what THEY'VE done!!) -- and the list goes on & on. I think at the last convention, I spent more time meeting more new people than I did visiting with the "old friends".
The "key" here is to remember is that this bulletin board is NOT the CCGTCC, but a way that Greg Susong has graciously provided us to keep up with things chipping and non-chipping. There are those that are very opinionated, those that I consider jerks, those that "lurk" and those that chime in every-so-often just 'cuz they want to...and there is plenty of discussion and disagreement. A little tip...find someone on this Board that seems like a nice person and if you have any questions about something, ask them via e-mail...gotta start somewhere!! Heck, one day you might even find yourself meeting Jim Litnar in Vegas to play "crapless craps" (whatever the heck that is
), going to dinner in Las Vegas with Tyrus Mulkey & Jay Sands, or enjoying strawberry shortcake with Todd Barrett & Joe Shaw at midnight, or working a Club table with Katie Smith, Rick Miner & Wayne Murphy, going to Knott's Berry Farm with James C and his family, or playing craps with James C, Barry Weintraub, Mike Christianson & Mark Freitag, or playing No-Limit Hold 'Em with Doug "Cigarman" Smith, Andy Hughes, Brian Watts, Tom "SAKE" Leggio, Greg Susong, Steve Passalaqua (I'm sure I butchered that
) and others (of course, to do that, you have to be a REALLY bad club tournament poker player
Hang in there, gets better -- much, much better!! Geez...I love this hobby...and the chips are fun, too!!
The chips below don't have much monetary value, but as far as friendships go -- they're worth A LOT !!
Steve B