........No, not bottles on the wall but the payoff on tonight's California lottery.
If you want a chance at the big one, (odds are 41 million to one against hitting it,) then send me $5.00 in cash or stamps--no checks please--ALONG WITH YOUR FULL NAME AND ADDRESS in your e-mail request for 5 tickets.
I will buy the tickets later this afternoon and will post the numbers before the drawing.
Looking for up to 20 players. Limit 5 tickets per player. I will acknowledge your entry participation but am leaving for quite a while today and my not be able to answer any questions. So if you have any that are not explained above, please don't bother as I don't want to make this complicated. My address is attached.
Good luck to all of us participating
Paul A. Sax
8105 Mesa Oak Way
Citrus Heights, Ca 95610-0607