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The Chip Board Archive 11

Re: Can you believe this auction ???

$3.00 A SET !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????

Oh sure, thanks,you just devalued mine. Here I was tryin' to get $25.00. WITH FREE SHIPPIN' !!!!!!! and here you come sellin' 'um at $3.00.

Now you'll probably sell more than I do. sad

I haven't sold any yet, Dave. How you doin'? vbg

Messages In This Thread

Can you believe this auction ???
Simply Amazing....
Re: Simply Amazing....
Re: Simply Amazing....
Shall I ask him for you? grin
Hey. Leave my mate Richard alone
Believe me, I have no problem with Richard.
Re: Believe me, I have no problem with Richard.
Seems Like Rdrock1 Is
Jim...he's a really nice guy that has
Re: I really do have a whole box of them....
Re: Can you believe this auction ???
Re: Can you believe this auction ???
Re: Can you believe this auction ???
Re: Can you believe this auction ???
Re: Can you believe this auction ???
Re: I Can't believe Some...
Set of Marlboro chips only cost me a lung vbg
Re: I Can't believe Some...
Re: IS the underbidder real ?

Copyright 2022 David Spragg