Ok, I was going to let this pass but I've received several messages about it.
Folks, I have never met Paul. I don't know him. To my knowledge, I have never even had a "heated" discussion with him.
This curt response (not admonished by a single member) is once again just a demonstration that there are really two clubs here. You are either on the inside or you are on the outside (guess which side I'm on?)
If I had posted such a message to an LM, what do you suppose would have been the reaction of "the old gang"? I have been openly threatened by Jim with the apparently top secret "do not trade list" and it appears I finally made it.
It's ok. I really don't want to be part of any "gang" and I'm really enjoying the hobby and trading with the new members. It doesn't matter what others think of me, just know that I harbour no animosity toward anyone.