The violation must be Telling The Truth?
"It's clear that a $1.50 S&H fee is very fair for the Buyer and Seller, and that an additional $.50/chip is still a bargain for the Buyer....the Seller must in fact charge an additional $.75 per chip just to come close to his actual additional costs when combining chips...
In fact even a $2.50 charge + $.50 for each additional chip is fair if you're buying 4 or more chips... "
I agree.
But I'm sticking to my story. Whatever the market will bear, is right. If people are going to get all pissed off for paying $1.50 plus 50c, we might as well start dumping chips in the river to save on the expense of "selling" them at a loss.
But an ethics violation? That's not from left field it's from the corn field.