As my friend Debbie Meister would say! Here's proof that no matter what you post on this board, you're bound to pi$$ someone off. This is just too funny not to share!
A couple days ago I made a post titled "A surprising analysis of eBay fees and S&H". The gist of the post was that eBay S&H charges are NOT exhorbitant. In fact, here's a quote of the summary of that long post...
"It's clear that a $1.50 S&H fee is very fair for the Buyer and Seller, and that an additional $.50/chip is still a bargain for the Buyer.
...the Seller must in fact charge an additional $.75 per chip just to come close to his actual additional costs when combining chips...
In fact even a $2.50 charge + $.50 for each additional chip is fair if you're buying 4 or more chips... " Here's the link to the entire post...;read=357757
The next day, I get this email...
Will, I just have to tell you that you are more full of SH1T than a "Young Robin." Believe me, people do not like what you posted.
Upon asing him to explain what he meant, I get this response...
Will, just to Let You Know, with your post about ebay fees, you did only stop 1/4 inch short of saying all club members that sell on ebay are crooks because of what they charge. I am going to research this & if it is a ethics violation, I will take it to whoever is necessary.
Is that not HILARIOUS!! Just goes to show some people half-read, then go off half-baked with their responses. If it weren't so comical, it'd be upsetting.
How ironic that I make a post trying to vindicate eBay'ers S&H charges only to get threatened with an ethics claim for purportedly making them look like crooks.