Email me if you're needing webspace at a fantastic price. Domain name and space. The place I am using is offering a great deal on the "buddy system" All that means is that if I refer someone then they get 10 times more free space...and so do I!! It's an awesome deal, and with a company that Ive used for years and feel are top notch. $24.00 a year and it incluses your domain name, 120 MG of webspace, emails, no pop-ups and all kinds of other great stuff.
If you've been thinking about it, now is sure the time to do it! There's no where else we can ever get this much space for so little money. And it comes with the domain name too if you want. If you already have a webpage, you can just transfer it over. Those that are using free get what you pay for. Don't submit your visitors to those annoying pop-ups. Spend the 24.00 for a year and break free!Email me.
My name is Terry Shaffer, and I endorse this announcement.