I'm not hiding behind a policy. Anthony had and has an agenda - he just wants me to bankroll it - that ain't gonna happen.
I would take a return within reason - problem was he was 100% unreasonable. he wants to make a staement and have me pay for it - fat chance.
If 14 days is reasonable and I contacted you upon receipt of the Dunes chip (which was smooth as a stone), how did I abuse the return policy?
You're brain dead - I complained about it not being perfect - it was a dog man - a real dog.
As I recall I paid return shipping and insurance, so you may want to try and stick to the facts. You never got scred, but it seems your head is screwd up if you can't rememebr the facts.
What am I running -- an "approval service" for Trentacost? Get real.
Pound sand - like I need something you have. Let me state publicly that you sir, are a liar on two counts - one that you got screwed on return shipping and INS and two - that I abused any rule.
You're Up!