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The Chip Board Archive 11

for sale Nevada Chipco Sample Pairs (Front & Back)

Here are 3 chips I have the Chipco samples for both the front and back.

Diamonds Reno $5 = $7 for the pair (Have 3 sets available)

Diamonds Reno $100 = $11 for the pair (Have 2 sets available)

Ceasars Lake Tahoe $5 = $6 for the pair (have 8 sets available)


Messages In This Thread

for sale Nevada Chipco Sample chips -First time posted
for sale Nevada Chipco Sample Pairs (Front & Back)
for sale Chipco Advertising Sample Chips for trade
for sale Link to all remaining Chipco Samples for trade
Now $3 Each Postage Paid
Re: Now $3 Each Postage Paid

Copyright 2022 David Spragg