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The Chip Board Archive 11

It looks like . . .

Hell has frozen over. Looking forward to your bid.

P.S. I'm hardly desperate . . . I'm catering to a niche market that WANTS slabbed chips . . . maybe because they can't trust some dealers (or some of the "good old boys" in this hobby) to honestly grade the chips that they sell (think brass core, repaired drill holes, repaired cracks, etc.). I'm not going to name names, but can you think of some "good old boys" who have admitted to having some strange brass cores, etc. in their collection? I certainly can. And how many collectors have been ripped off by people peddling these wares?

Sometimes a dispassionate and disinterested third party serves a unique and necessary purpose (think of a title company).

Messages In This Thread

4 Queens Pai Gow,back again.....
Dont worry - we know its not your auction
When will they sell for face +$1 grin
Re: When will they sell for face +$1 grin
Even better...
Re: Even better...
Re: Even better...
Another reminder for the 400+ members
A reminder for the 400+ members . . .
Re: A reminder for the 400+ members . . .
Re: A reminder for the 400+ members . . .
How did you get "cage fresh" Pai Gows ...
Jim - Please take the necessary action
For those members that are unaware
I am going to buy your Slabbed Chips.....
It looks like . . .
Mark, If you were to really believe that.....
The winners aren't so private...
These chips never hit the floor did they?
Thanks for posting Marks email to you
Re: Thanks for posting Marks email to you

Copyright 2022 David Spragg