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The Chip Board Archive 11

Convention DVD.....

I was a day later than some of you in getting my DVD in the mail, and reading the posts made about it were causing me to about bust in anticipation. Fortunately, I got it today and have just finished watching all of the segments. As I write I am tying to come up with that words to express the fantastic job that was done in production of this. I was not sure what to expect but I knew I wanted to see what I was missing (at the convention). As I watched it I was amazed of just how professional and high quality this was.

I have been a big fan of Howard Hughes, Robert Maheu, Noah Detrich, and others in the Hughes Empire. When I found out Robert Maheu was going to speak and I was going to miss it I was sick. It was great to see the video; I still would have loved to be there in person. I could have really had some questions!

The Neon Boneyard presentation was super. Seeing the slides and hearing the history is something I will revisit from time to time.

The Convention Highlights was well done and I liked the interviews with the people (I wish they would have all stated their names) Ralf got the Hawaiian shirt prize! Saw Tommy Leggio (haired version). I saw many others as they passed the camera. Like seeing old friends!

Chip Stories was very interesting and enlightening.

Whoever worked on this project – My hat is off to you for a job very well done! (and that us an UNDERstatement!)

Copyright 2022 David Spragg