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The Chip Board Archive 11

Re: I thought I cleared it up. Here is the full st

Regrettably yes. Both approved on December 28, 2000.

That doesn't mean too much though. There are plenty chips approved by the gaming board that were never even manufactured let alone issued, and many more that were issued but dont show up on the gaming board reports.

IMO they are still not valid chips. They were never 'in play' (table or cage) and furthermore they were never meant to be.

Messages In This Thread

4 Queens Pai Gow chips
Re: 4 Queens Pai Gow chips
I thought I cleared it up. Here is the full story
Re: I thought I cleared it up. Here is the full st
Re: I thought I cleared it up. Here is the full st
What is IMO?
IMO = In My Opinion
Re: IMO = In My Opinion - Thanks.
I think you mean the Pai Gows were ...
Re: I think you mean the Pai Gows were ...
Apologies for the typo

Copyright 2022 David Spragg