Before I start my own funeral I just recieved my CC>CC card R6687
I'm not much for politics but we can all see we have these social programs that we can all admit are failing. Instead of the issue being should these programs be there or not, shouldn't we look to try to go after the root cause of why these social programs do not work.
I don't believe the people who are ultimately working for these social programs to work are just poor dependent people trying to use my money to help other poor dependent people continue to abuse the system.
It seems to me the major decision makers of these social programs are actually quite wealthy people who likely did earn their respective wages. I don't remember the last poor dependent politician in office.
Is there really anyone who at some point in time didn't benifit from a social program. I think although too many people abuse them many people have benifited from them.
Maybe I just missed the point?