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The Chip Board Archive 11

4 Queens Pai Gow,back again.....

not my auction...looks like some more 4 Queens Pai Gow chips are available,and once again you can hide the shame of bidding on them via the "private bid" vbg

Messages In This Thread

4 Queens Pai Gow,back again.....
Dont worry - we know its not your auction
When will they sell for face +$1 grin
Re: When will they sell for face +$1 grin
Even better...
Re: Even better...
Re: Even better...
Another reminder for the 400+ members
A reminder for the 400+ members . . .
Re: A reminder for the 400+ members . . .
Re: A reminder for the 400+ members . . .
How did you get "cage fresh" Pai Gows ...
Jim - Please take the necessary action
For those members that are unaware
I am going to buy your Slabbed Chips.....
It looks like . . .
Mark, If you were to really believe that.....
The winners aren't so private...
These chips never hit the floor did they?
Thanks for posting Marks email to you
Re: Thanks for posting Marks email to you

Copyright 2022 David Spragg