"However, I intended no animosity toward you."
>>>Yes, you did intend it.
No, I didn't. I don't know you. Therefore, I have no animosity toward you. I simply posted a message to make a point. (I won't suggest that you are calling me a liar simply because we disagree as that wouldn't be very nice).
I'm just a simple man trying to grasp the concept of a chip case issued by a casino when chips are not intended to leave the casino.
>>>In past threads you have tried to make people think you are a lawyer and a postal expert. Now you are trying to make people think you are a casino executive.
I've tried nothing of the sort. If folks want to know about me or my background, they need only ask. In my opinion, my opinion is just as good as anyone else's
>>>instead of calling people a liar.
I haven't called anyone a liar to my somewhat limited recollection. I may have said that I disagreed or that I thought that they were incorrect. That does not mean I am calling them a liar. A lie is a deliberate attempt to deceive and I would never assume (as you did) that such a premise exists.
>>>I learned years ago I can't make a silk purse out of a horse's ass.
I guess we won't be swapping Christmas cards eh?
Bummer. I sincerely wish you all the best.