I am never asked to pay for dinner or drinks at a Grosvenor or Gala casino unless I have several non-member guests with me. Even then its heavily subsidised and cheap. Ive never worked out what qualifies you for comps as I hardly ever gamble in most of these places. When once your name is down as a VIP it seems to stay there. The new Grosvenor and Gala cards dont have the casino name on so you only have one membership number for the lot - they have a centralised computer. I guess that as its on record I gamble 'properly' at the Barracuda Club the other places think I might do the same if they treat me nice.
Several times a year they have special event menu's - Christmas, Chinese New Year, Royal Ascot. I get mailing list invites for dinner from all of them in the space of a few days - sometimes 3 arriving on the same day. I even get them from Luton, Portsmouth, Southampton etc where I have never even set foot in the place.