Nice Bunnies (Donors): Victor Salnicky, Don Tassie, Jason Skinner, Richard Fellman, Stewart Grant, John Massimiani, Chuck Smorse, R.M. Smith, Rod Spruill, Charlie Turner, Andy Hughes, Les Lawrence, Mitch Heller, Doug Spear, Kevin Bailey, Bob Bickford, Jay Wriggins, Don Covello, Travis Anderson, Walter Gonski, Doug Smith, Bob Heistand, Jim Munding, Len Cipkins, An Anonymous Donor, Gerald & Janice O’Neal, Wayne Thompson, Mike Quinlivan, Phyllis Spagnola, Stewart Grant (2nd donation), Ricky Pushkin, Travis H.D. Lewin, David Moore, Ken Fellela, Fred Lamb, Tom Hanson, Brian Cashman, Nancy Olson, ]: Robert Reno, Doug Deems, Chuck Smorse (2nd donation), & Rick Miner.
* New Nice Bunnies (New Donors): Mike Skelton, Michael Downey, & Chuck Smorse (3rd donation).
Chip Count: 458. We’re just 42 chips short of 500! Please send me a chip. Any chip! I’d like to hit 500 chips by the end of the month. The Auction will start around the second week of September.
If you’re wondering what the heck I’m talking about, please click on the link below for the full story. In a nutshell… we’re going to help feed hungry kids and make a sizeable donation to the Building Fund.
*I have to receive your donation before I list you on the new donors list and officially designate you as a nice bunny.