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The Chip Board Archive 11

Re: you could arrange to get th neg feedback withd

I did this and had the negative removed in 10 minutes. Lyn Papke was successful twice.

Messages In This Thread

My FIRST Ebay Negative
Don't lose any sleep over it Chuck grin
Re: My FIRST Ebay Negative
5200+ and 1 - Not A Bad W/L %
Re: 5200+ and 1 - Not A Bad W/L %
Re: My FIRST Ebay Negative
grin Chuck...even with your GREAT service
Re: My FIRST Ebay Negative
I know how you feel...
you could arrange to get th neg feedback withdrawn
Re: you could arrange to get th neg feedback withd
and you wanted to retire!
Re: Tom
Your the BEST
Re: My FIRST Ebay Negative

Copyright 2022 David Spragg