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The Chip Board Archive 11

Heading for ANA, Chicago and Detroit

I will be leaving Monday morning for a short trip to the Midwest. Tuesday morning I will be setting up another Exhibit at the ANA Convention in Pittsburgh. This year the display will feature "Atlantic City Tokens 1978 - 2003". Yes, I do collect other things besides Roulette chips. Tuesday night and Wednesday Night I will be in the Chicago area and will visit all the surrounding Casinos to Harvest some roulettes. Thursday night I will be in Michigan City, Indiana - more roulettes. Friday and Saturday I will be in the Detroit area and hope to get to Windsor Canada and go to Casino Windsor. The last two times I was in Detroit I didn't go to Canada because of security problems (after 9-11) and the last time the Casino was closed because of a strike. On Sunday morning I will return to Pittsburgh to take down my Exhibit and hopefully pick up my First place award. I will drive home Sunday afternoon. I will let you know how things went on August 23rd.
P.S. I am still having problems with my acanner and I have not been able to finish my 2nd Issue of my Roulette Review. When I get home, I will get the scanner fixed and finish both Issue 2 and Issue 3 of my Roulete Review. Sorry for the delay.
Till later,
"Mr. Roulette"

Copyright 2022 David Spragg