Dennis wrote......"
Has anybody ever been told by there local Post Office that reusing bubble mailers is illegal>>"
If you receive a mailer that has "STAMPS" on it that have "NOT" been cancled and you try to reuse those stamps as your postage....that, I understand, is illegal.
About every 4th or 5th mailer I receive will have these uncancled stamps on it. Here's what I do: I'll prepair the mailer so it looks like I put the stamps on. I then take it, along with other mailers going out, to the P.O. Hand them all to the clerk. Most times they will let the stamped mailer go through. Sometimes the clerk will ask if I put the stamps on. I simply say no, and stand there and look dumb. ( A natural pose for me. ) They just shrugg their shoulders and throw it in the out pile allowing me to use the stamps. I have had them ask me if I want them to use the affixed stamps. At that point I say, "that's a federal offense, isn't it" ? They usually looked at me and threw it in with the others.
Sometimes it's fun going to a small town P.O.