Sal; Yours is a fair question ... unlike the post that began this thread (from the same poster who claimed that he heard from dealers that the Building Fund was a scam ... but refused to identify those he heard it from) and does not even include his email address.
In case any of our 2800 club members missed it ... this form below (or a similar one) was included in the 4th quarter, 2004 issue of the club magazine. A similar form will be inserted into the 4th quarter issue of this years magazine for consideration of next years HOF inductees. Hint; The Committee is not looking for names of individuals who gave someone a break on chip purchases or because he/she is a "nice guy".
(DEADLINE: January 31, 2004)
The following form is provided as a convenience for submitting recommendations of club members whom you feel are worthy to be selected to the CC & GTCC, Inc. Hall Of Fame, and to suggest informational areas to provide detailed background data. This form may be utilized at your discretion. If the spaces provided are insufficient for detailing the information you desire to convey on behalf of your proposal, please attach a separate sheet. If you wish to submit multiple recommendations, you may photocopy this form or use a separate sheet of paper.
Club Member name: ________________________________
Birth Date (if known) _____________________
Club Member address: ________________________________________________________
Hobby organizations of which the proposed is a member: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Specialized organizations the proposed member is active in:
The proposed member is active in the hobby in the following capacities:
____ Club Officer ____ Exhibitor ____ Speaker ____ Author ____ Dealer ____ Other
List any offices, including organization names, the proposed member has held relating to our hobby or to the casino industry:
Is the proposed member active in any of the following promotional areas:
____ Recruitment ____ Convention Volunteer ____ Educational Panel ___ Other
How long have you known the proposed member? _____________
To your knowledge, how long has the proposed member been collecting? ___________________
What are the major collecting interests of the proposed member? _____________________________________________________________________________
Please detail the qualities you have observed in the proposed that in your judgment qualify him or her to be a potential CC>CC Hall Of Fame recipient? Please be as detailed as possible, including specific illustrations of any specific hobby-building contributions whenever possible:
If you are unable to provide the biographical details requested, or if you are aware of someone else whom we might contact for additional information, please indicate below:
Additional contact name: ____________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________
Telephone: _______________________________________________________
Should your proposed club member be selected by the HOF committee to be inducted into the club’s Hall Of Fame; when and where do you believe the ceremony might be most appropriately presented, if not at convention?
Recommendation submitted by: _____________________________ CC>CC # _________
Address: _________________________________________________
Telephone: _________________________________________________