From the Club's Web Site:
"The Hall of Fame is the Casino Chips and Gaming Tokens Collectors Club’s highest honor. Each year, several members are considered for inclusion in the Hall of Fame. Members are selected based on their contributions to the hobby and to the Club, which represent exemplary integrity and the greatest impact on the Club and on the hobby as a whole. There is no requirement that any member be selected for the Hall of Fame in any year, but there have been two or three new members each year since the inauguration of the Hall of Fame honor....."
If you feel strongly about a member's service to the Club and his/her accomplishments on behalf of the Club and the hobby, look for a "CC>CC Hall of Fame Recommendation Form" in the Fall 2004 issue of "Casino Chip and Token News". That is the time to let your voice be heard. If you don't take the time to write it up then your candidate will not be considered.