Pam, That happened to a lot of people. They had a sneaky way of getting folks to upgrade. Someone probably paid you by credit card and Paypal sent you a little notice that said "click here to accept this payment and upgrade" The main advantage of the Premier account is the ability to accept credit cards. You can go in and downgrade to a "Personal" account one time by following Robert's advise above. You will want to take the PayPal links out of your auctions and just put something in the text that you accept non-credit card PayPal. Be careful in the future when someone tries to pay you through PayPal by credit card. Always deny these payments and send them a nice note asking for alternative forms of payment. If you accept a credit card payment you will be stuck. I have been using a personal PayPal account for years. By not paying any PayPal fees I can keep my combined S&H at $1. While as a buyer I like the convenience of paying by PayPal, I don't mind writing a check for a chip if I want it. With a personal account you can buy and sell chips here with other folks without having to write a check or pay any juice to PayPal.