I've got a set of 600 Casino De Mexico (the Paulson 'fantasy' chips) that I'm looking to do one of the following:
(a) Expand to 800 or 1000 chips,
(b) Sell to fund a purchase of new chips, or
(c) Trade for a larger set of 'near' quality chips.
My set is fairly tailored to a low-limit home game, with 400 ones, 100 fives, 50 twenties, 40 fifties, and 10 hundreds. I bought them in two seperate batches -- and because of it, my ones are a 50-50 mix of three and four edge-spot variations.
The only widely eBayed's Casino de Mexico chips seem to be the not-so-practical 200's. A fair number of ones also keep getting sold, but most of them in small lots with high associated shipping/handling costs, bringing the "true" cost to nearly $2 a chip. I never so much minded paying the nearly $1 a chip these cost retail, but at $2 a piece I won't be buying them ten at a time on eBay.
So, if someone has a 50-100+ lot of Casino de Mexico's in sensible denominations, I'd be interested in buying.
If I can't find a seller at a reasonable price, I'll join the enemy and sell my Casino de Mexico chips -- as a full set with reasonable shipping.
Finally, if someone's interested in some sort of trade, I'd consider a same-size or larger set trade, provided they were still some sort of A-quality chip -- and would even consider Roulette chips if they were from a "real" producer. I'd consider cash either way to square a trade.
Simply put, I've got a nice 600-piece Paulson Casino de Mexico set, and I'd like to end up with a 1,000 or so set of A-quality chips, and I'm not dead-set on them being the Casino de Mexico set.
Oh, and I suppose there's an option (d). What's the "best of the worst?" What's the least expensive chip that YOU wouldn't be embarassed to open your home game with?
I appreciate some suggestions from you "experts" before I give up and buy all new custom Chipco chips (although their "casino" line is probably nicer than the art I'd submit)...