You are really starting to irritate me. YOU take my pictures without asking me if it is O.K. than act like someone did something to YOU.
You consider what I wrote somehow involves a "slam" about you. I ask Andy to take it down just to put an end to this bull. Now you act like you've been really put upon and publish my emails like I have done something to you. No one cares or is confused except maybe YOU. I was sorry you were distressed to the point that you had to involve others. It's really a shame YOU can not realize what you did is what started this "mess" in the first place.
You took my property, what part of that don't you understand? The TOOK or The PROPERTY.........that's what started this problem. Had you left my property alone none of this would have started or been necessary.
There is an old expression in the game of hold'em. If you don't make the first mistake you can't make all the mistakes that follow.I obviously made the first mistake by being kind to you when you first took my property. I should have said something to you right away. I didn't -hoping you might ask if it was O.K. You didn't and now I've got to waste my time with this nonsense. If I don't you might soon start to believe you were right.You remind me of those who blame everything and everyone for their difficulties except themselves.
I did not "slam" you in my article nor have I ever "slammed" you. My emails speak for themselves. Get off it!