I regret that I must ask you to take down the pictures I have taken at various events through out the years that are displayed on your web page or site. Everyone, including you, knows that I granted Andy Hughes EXCLUSIVE right to display those picture on HIS web site after I uploaded them on Greg's board for all to see.
Those individuals who asked me by email to use any and all of my pictures were granted permission. You see I really don't object to anyone using the pictures IF THEY ASK. You have NEVER asked. I wrote an observation about courtesy that is currently posted on Andy's web site hoping you would realize that perhaps, just maybe, you might want to ask me if it was all right to use my pictures on your web page.
I waited. It has been long over thirty days and I still have not received a request from you to display my pictures. Therefore, I am asking you publicly to take down ALL the picture I have taken.
The idea to put a name with a picture and to post those pictures started a while back when an older member of our organization past away and no one knew what he looked like. I took it upon myself to start a project and get a picture of everyone who is or was a club member. I knew it would be a long and difficult job. I never asked for anything nor did I look for anyone to help me. Those who see me at the convention taking pictures KNOW what I am doing and why I am doing it.
I have paid for a dealer table so I could get into the convention early to take pictures and not get in the way of business. I never requested a free pass from Mike or anyone else. I have not been able to look for chips or really enjoy the convention because of the time involved in taking the pictures.
I have asked each and everyone of those individuals who's picture I took their permission to take and display the picture. Those who said it was all right to take it but please don't display it - I honored that request.
I am not a selfish person. I give my time and efforts on behalf of the club whenever President Mike has asked me to. I have never said no to him. I also never asked him to let me into the convention to take pictures even though I knew he would.
It rubs me the wrong the way YOU sit back and seem to take credit for work you did not do. You did not take those pictures. Yet you allow others to reach that conclusion of what a GREAT project you have without even giving those who did the work credit.
Please take them down. In the future all pictures I take at the convention, chip shows, etc. will be uploaded to Andy's web page where he will properly display them the way they were intended to be displayed. I will no longer display any picture I take here on Greg's board.
I am sorry I have come to this decision. Too bad a simple request like..........Jim, can I....... probably would have been granted?
Thank you,
Jim Perlowski