Once again, I ask you--just how many different benefits should I be responsible for? Maybe you would like to name them and the amounts I should be forced to pay.
I think as an employeer you must meet a living standard above poverty level. It could be in the form of health benefits or cash in leu so thy could afford the benefits. What are the numbers? I don't know the numbers. You are the accountant.
An employee must be exploited to some degree and recieve less compensation than they are worth to the business to keep a viable business. If a business loses money by paying too much then the business folds and everyone is out of work. Business should provide benefit to all, the customer, the employer and the employee. The customer should pay a fair price for goods/services, and employer should recieve a fair benefit on his investment and risk and the employee should recieve a fair wage to be able to support himself from his labors.
Anyone getting too big a piece of the pie is robbing someone else of their fair share.
Let's see, an employeer wants his employee to work for below standard wages because the employee is desparate, the employee can not earn enough to live and seeks help from the government and the employeer complains about governmet having to support them. And the employeer has a new BMW delivered as he sits by the pool.
When a busiiness is in trouble everyone should tighten their belts, when it is prosporus everyone should benefit. The second part is the one most employeers forget.
There is a "Feed The Kids" Campaign on this board, are you opposed to that too?