Just so there is no misunderstanding how I feel about the upcoming election, here are the answers:
1) Do I consider myself a Republican? - YES
2) If there is a Democrat running for office that I believe to be a better man than the Republican counterpart, will I still vote Republican - NO
3) Do I belive George W Bush is one of Americas Greatest Presidents? - NO
4) Do I believe America will be better off with John Kerry in Office - NO
5) Do I like the fact that America is at war - NO
6) Do I support the war, our governments reasons for being there and the men and women fighting to keep us safe from terrorists? - YES
Now, with that being said, I have nothing against Democrats. Heck I even learned this week that my own daughter is one. Not quite sure how that happened. You try to teach them right from wrong and keep them away from drugs, and the next thing you know they become democrats.... LOL (Just kidding). As staunch a Democrat as she is, she still has no problem accepting support from the Republicans.... Especially the Republican writing this post and paying for her Tuition.
Enough Politics for today, Happy chipping everyone,
Doug (R3209)