Do you also think VA benefits are a waste of taxpayers money? I believe you asked "Why should the government be responsible .... cradle to grave?" Or something to that effect. With you and your wife's military background do YOU have any VA benefits?
I believe in military benefits but they should not be paid as soon as they retire. They should have to wait as wveryone else does until they are 65 or whatever.
As far as our military service is concerned, my wife served from 1943 until the duration. I served for 3 years during the 50's. Neither my wife nor I receive any sort of military benefit or for that matter, any other benefit except Social Security and medicare. And as a matter of fact, medicare was never suppose to be part of the social security act. I'm accepting it because it's given to me but definately not deserved. I don't believe it's the government's role to provide me with those benefits.
Neither one of us receive any other income from pensions of any sort. We don't belong to an HMO and neither of is us complaining .
Again I answered your question. When are you going to answer mine.
Once again, I ask you--just how many different benefits should I be responsible for? Maybe you would like to name them and the amounts I should be forced to pay.