... by the other side this time!
But, I have to agree with Paul on this one. I don't think it should be either the government's or the employer's responsibility to pay for any insurance for employees -- or anyone else.
I weary of so many people saying they can't "afford" health insurance when they are driving new cars, subscribing to cable TV & internet access, eating out regularly, etc. Heck, I know some "uninsured" people who could "afford" health insurance on just what they spend for booze every month.
Particularly egregious in this regard are government employees. A big part of the reason why our taxes are so high is that government employees now enjoy salaries which in many cases exceed those of comparable private industry positions -- as well as benefits far in excess of their private industry "comparables". Marin County (where I live) just adopted a new policy which will allow employees to retire at age 50 -- and receive 3% of their highest salary level for every year of service (so, 90% for 30 years).
Not liberal, not conservative. None of the government's business = Libertarian.
----- jim o\-S