Jim wrote.......
"you are on your own with respect to the auction of a slabbed check. However, I respectfully request that you terminate the auction, and re-list the check without the slab."
I too would like to see Mark do the above. As soon as I saw that Mark had placed the slabbed chip on that meant that I no longer would do business with him. I'm really surprised that he would do that knowing how a number of us who supported his chip program at the Four Queens over the years felt about it.
As to the Pai Gow 25¢ chips...When they first surfaced I was hot & wanted to know why I was able to buy all of the other Four Queens releases over the years, but was never told about the Pai Gow 25¢ chips, which at the time I thought were a regular house chip! It was not until later on did I learn the story behind them & found out that I was one of the few dealers that was never offered the chips. At that point I would bring it up to Mark each time I talked to him & would ask when the Pai Gow 25¢ chips were coming out of his desk drawer at the Four Queens!
I have always liked Mark & we have had numerous conversations about not only chips, but other topics. I even defended him shortly after he was fired & a fellow collector said that they were thrilled to hear it. I told them that Mark had made a mistake on the Pai Gow chips & everyone makes mistakes. As it turns out Mark is still making them. When you read this Mark, I hope that you take Jim up on his suggestions about the Pai Gow 25¢ chips & the slabbed chip. Andy - Las Vegas