... Mark?? I guess that tells us something about how you got "Cage Fresh" Pai Gows, doesn't it? How many sets do you still have? Are you ever going to tell us the truth about these chips?
Do you remember the following email? You finally sent it to me in response to repeated inquiries about these chips. You asked me to hold it in confidence and I have done so for more than three years, waiting for you to provide a public statement about these chips. Now that you that you have made a public post about them, albeit one which does not answer the question I have been asking, I consider myself released from your request that I hold this in confidence -- in any event, I can no longer in good conscience do so.
For clarity, I have modified the text of my questions from regular to italic type. And I have redacted the names of the three dealers mentioned, referring to them as Dealer #1, Dealer #2 and Dealer #3. I have also omitted a discussion of the King of BJ chips, which is not relevant to the Pai Gows.
----- jim o\-S
Subject : The Answers you have desired ...
From : MMK8@aol.com
Date : 6/9/2001 7:46 PM
To : RunTam@pacbell.net
Hi Jim -
OK, here come the long awaited answers. I've taken the liberty of copying your questions, my answers are in bold:
Speaking of which, how accurate is the following scenario of those circumstances:
You ordered the chips, 500 of each 25¢ chip.
True - all chip orders go through me, house chips and commemoratives. The Pit wanted
them, I ordered them.
The actual cost to the 4Q's was $830
(close, we have negotiated a very good deal with Paul Son - $0.75/chip plus sales tax, delivered)
though they went into the cage as $250 total
(all chips go through the Cage at face value, not cost (otherwise a rack of $1,000s (which we have 10 racks of) would go through the Cage as $75 (plus tax) when in reality they are a potential liability of $100,000. Chips are counted into the Cage at their potential liability, not their cost.)
You paid the $250 face and took them.
(I never bought a single one of the chips.)
The 4Q's ate the difference.
(See previous answer.)
Initially, you offered them to several dealers at $3 each. They all said no.
(Absolutely false. I never bought the chips.)
Ultimately, you did sell approximately 60 sets to Dealer #1 -- and he put them on his website
for $10 each.
(Again, absolutely false. I never sold a single chip to Dealer #1.)
You sold 10 sets to Dealer #2 for $10 each (he sold some of them on eBay at $20 a pair, but has now stopped doing so).
(Again, absolutely false. I never sold a single chip to Dealer #2.)
You also sold some to Dealer #3 (who continues to offer them for $30 a pair).
(Again, absolutely false. I've never sold a single chip to Dealer #3.)
You still have roughly 400 sets of the chips.
(Not true, see above.)
You have been directed by 4Q's higher level management not to do anything like this again, but have not been required to return the chips.
(I've been instructed that to avoid problems in the future we will not do 25c chips (unless we introduce mini-baccarat which is a very distinct possibility in the near future).)
----- Discussion of King of BJ chips omitted. -----
Anyway, I trust this answers your questions and I have clarified the situation. I'm not going to post on the Board as I do not believe that I will be vindicated no matter what I say. Irrespective, I trust that this finds you well and that you will hold this email in the highest confidence.
Kind regards,