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The Chip Board Archive 11

HELP!!!! with H&C, H&C/SCV, H&C/LCV, H&C/CJ

I have been doing this for years but every time I get into cataloging my collection additions, I draw a blank when there are 2 or 3 variations of H&C chips to identify.
This may be of help to others, new to the hobby, as well.
Could someone kindly take the time & trouble to scan and post a clear, side by side, sample of each of these variations.
I can then print it and refer to it when needed.
H&C CJ's are relatively easy due to the shine of the hats
Thank you for your assistance

Messages In This Thread

HELP!!!! with H&C, H&C/SCV, H&C/LCV, H&C/CJ
Have you tried Robert's mold pages?
Thank You Debby & Dwain, you have resolved
Click on the link...
Re: Easy Method For LCV & SCV
Also grin
Re:Long Cane And C&J
Re: Also grin

Copyright 2022 David Spragg