Cold medicine? No. Maybe it's too much Sun.
>>>So much for trying to help.
I'm sorry. I missed that part.
>>>Everyone who posted in this thread is trying to help you,
Help me how?
>>>You just dont seem to get it.
Oh I get it. Apparently, yankeechipper is part of "the club" and I'm not. Thus it must be all my fault.
>>>No one is making threats except yourself.
Excuse me? How could I possibly threaten anyone? You didn't threaten me with the secret "no trade list"?
>>>I will no longer respond to your posts
You will be missed.
>>>I also wish to not have any future dealings with you.
and yet somehow, I shall try and carry on....
>>>Good luck in your quest with making friends in the chipping community.
This is nothing more than a veiled threat and believe it or not such things don't really work with me.
(I'm off to AC for a couple days so you will get a break from me. Just wanted to make your day).