Fine Stu, whatever you say.
Let me give you a clue. You come on here posing as a victim. Look at what this seller has done to me! Blocked me from bidding on his auctions. Even though you state the seller did nothing wrong, this essentially attempts to paint the seller as the bad guy.
The seller is not the bad guy here. He is the victim. He gratiously let you out of your bid. This benefits only you. At the least it is an inconvenience for him. It could also cost him money in EBay fees if he is unsuccessful in recouping those from EBay. So let's list the some of the negatives for the seller in this transaction, lost sale, possible out of pocket costs for Ebay fees, inconvenince of contacting Ebay for reimbursement, relisting fees, aggravation of seeing posts on the TCB from you which included exchanged emails, your apparent ingratitude for letting you out of the transaction without cost, seller bad guy innuendo. Sure sounds like reason enough to not want to deal with someone in the future.
Like I indicated before, continuing to pursue this does not reflect well on you.
Do as you please though.