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The Chip Board Archive 11

One word - Profit
In Response To: Vic's World ()

Profit from eBay transactions include any additional funds received from s&h. You mean to tell me all this time you haven't realized this???? Be realistic. No more Wayne's World.

I don't mean to single anyone out, but by way of example here are a few I found this morning with not much effort - just searched on Mandalay Bay. If you wanted you could find hundreds more.

$1.99 s&h

$2.00 s&h

$2.99 s&h


Messages In This Thread

Re: Answers
Re: S/H INCLUDED??...GOOD ONE VIC rofl rofl
Re: S/H INCLUDED??...GOOD ONE VIC rofl rofl
Re: S/H INCLUDED??...GOOD ONE VIC rofl rofl
Like so many penny auctions...
You are confused..................................
Re: You are confused..............................
Re: Like so many penny auctions...
Re: Like so many penny auctions...
Re: rofl
Wayne's World
Vic's World
One word - Profit
You call it profit, I call it....
Re: One word - Profit
Wow, Vic. I can't even imagine what your thinking.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg