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The Chip Board Archive 11

Re: I stand corrected....
In Response To: I stand corrected.... ()

I feel for you. I have only one in my family and that is enough. rofl One of the reasons I am not doing that stuff anymore. Wasn't too bad really. I learned a lot that might help me some day but the stresses and pressures were a little much for me.

Clients who would come in at the last minute when in the Sheriff was outside their door rather than weeks or months earlier when the threats were coming in the mail. Or, the attorneys who would bring me Bankruptcy Petitions 30 minutes before the Court closes. Filings tht had to be filed that day. Fortunately our office was accross the street from court but try and make 8 copies of a an 40 page Ch 11 petition, along with assorted notices of filings... and get the check together for the fee and get cross a major Chicago Intersection and get through Security at the Federal building before the court closes at 4:30. YIKES!!!!

Messages In This Thread

Did you get a Supenia? Or a just nasty threat?
Re: I think you mean Summons
I stand corrected....
Re: I stand corrected....
My Opinion

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