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The Chip Board Archive 11

Excellent response. Rick.

I only used to buy chips on eBay . For the past six months or so, I have also been selling some chips. Some of these chips have sold for more than I bought them for, some for less. Bargains can still be had, but not as often. I have purchased a number of chips off of eBay for the express purpose of resale. If I make a profit, I turn it around and buy something that I may need. Over the past few months, this process has actually helped me to be able to purchase two numbered Hard Rock roulette chips that I've been wanting. Bottom line is -- it's money driven and highest bidder wins!! grin Steve B

Messages In This Thread

Collectors Keeping Collectors from Collecting !!!!
Money drives it all !
Re: Collectors Keeping Collectors from Collecting
Excellent response. Rick.
Hey Steve'o, Say It Ain't So
GIVE....that's an awfully strong word!! vbg
While I feel your pain, its a fact of life
That's OK, but what I disagree with...
On the flip side, why not try to
I was going to say...
you said it best Fred
Re: Glen ... it's an AUCTION!
Re: Glen ... it's an AUCTION!
Re: Archie...I know it's an auction!
Re: Archie...I know it's an auction!
Re: Archie...I know it's an auction!
Re: I know...I know...I know...
Re: I know...I know...I know...
Re: I know...I know...I know...
Re: I know...I know...I know...
Re: Please stick to the subject ....
Re: Some sellers...
Here is a similar experience....
A few possible solutions
Re: Excellent constructive suggestions ...

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