>>>Dangerous beliefs, indeed.
Most beliefs, taken to the extreme are...
It's how those principles are applied. Here are just a few examples of current "Liberal" interpretation:
>> a political philosophy based on belief in progress,
For us that is. The rest of the world isn't our problem.
>> the essential goodness of the human race
Criminals shouldn't be punished and terrorists simply need understanding. They are merely the product of a bad environment. We shouldn't spend money on jails but on psychiatric care for these folks. If terrorists blow something up, we should simply be more tolerant of such acts.
>> and the autonomy of the individual
No City or State government has the right to tell you that you can't run a porn ring from your private home or have as many "partners" as you desire. Who do they think they are?
>> and standing for the protection of political and civil liberties
If a word or phrase offends ANYBODY, then its gotta go. We have to be sensative to those that are offended by God and want to protect the rights of cockroaches and chickens everywhere.
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